Label: "budapest economic forum"

orbán viktor nagy márton orbáb-kormány
July 15, 2024 10:06

Government's tax increase package is even bigger than we thought

Here is a summary of the main elements of the government's tax package

July 08, 2024 10:16

Outlook for the Hungarian economy not bright at all - ING analyst

Recent monthly figures have been disappointing, but a little long-term optimism is still warranted

Majdnem öthónapos mélypontra ütötték tegnap a forintot
August 15, 2023 12:10

The cheap euro for holidays is already lost - will the 400 forint exchange rate come back in the fall?

We may even scratch the psychological limit

bankjegy forint
July 31, 2023 09:49

Can the government's new inflation target really be met?

Sounds interesting at first glance - let's look at the aspects and possibilities

parlament országház budapest szobor getty stock
June 30, 2023 10:14

ING Bank analysts publish their forecasts for the Hungarian economy for the second half of 2023

They consider a slight optimism justified, although attention should be paid to landmines in the budget

brusszel europai unio
October 20, 2021 09:29

Hungary to remain without EU funding for a long time, economists say

But this will not hurt too much

forint bankjegy getty stock
October 19, 2021 10:35

Hungarian forint to fall to 380, star economist predicts

Due to inflation and fight with EU

September 10, 2021 11:59

Hungarian banks break record in H1 profit

Moratorium has major impact on interest income

elemzoi panelbeszelgetes BEF 201008
October 08, 2020 17:30

Economic euphoria, drastic tax reduction, EUR/HUF over 400 – Analysts draw up scenarios for Hungary

At Portfolio's Budapest Economic Forum conference

October 08, 2020 13:05

Márton Nagy: stimulating investment will be the key to recovery in Hungary

Hungary needs to rev up all engines

varga mihály sajtótájékoztató
October 08, 2020 10:10

Hungary FinMin warns W-shaped crisis or prolonged recovery await Hungary

Government optimism gone

October 17, 2019 15:25

Hungary central bank VP: "Many have misjudged inflation but we were right"

Nagy calls for renewal in banking

October 04, 2018 14:51

CEE region is in an exceptional situation, London-based economists say

Reporting from Portfolio's Budapest Economic Forum 2018 conference.

October 04, 2018 12:26

Hungary has no panacea, but buffers could help - FinMin

Mihály Varga talks at Portfolio conference.

October 11, 2017 16:40

We did not expect this - Five peculiar claims about Hungarian banks

Audience polling yields interesting results.

October 05, 2017 17:15

Hungary was given a historic opportunity, we should use it - cenbanker

MNB Deputy Governor Márton Nagy says cenbank considers swapping existing loans.

October 05, 2017 14:28

Bank execs of Hungary reveal their deepest fears

Should we be surprised if a programmer earns more than a branch manager?